“Pray to catch the bus, then run as fast as you can.”
I was feeling behind with my creative work as I didn’t had time to paint since I came to Öland this time.
As usual I was too busy with enjoying the scenery, the sea in the Sun and the flowers blooming abundantly in the early June expansion.
This is my favourite time when the Nature is most fragrant offering the best scents of the year.
But this morning finally felt that favorit urge to start painting.
I decided to try to aske the Creator to take over the quality
so I could focus on quantity and give myself a space to paint free from Analysis paralysis, when the fear of making an error is superior to the joy of the process.
I really love trowing colours around me, especially in my own exploratory way when there is no holding back or focusing on the quality of the work, result, just moment by moment experience of crating.
Merging with paints. A kind of active colour meditation that suits my restless mind.
And the creator was listening at this morning extra attentively!
As my hands started working with visibly extreme speed, I could see the colours dropping from the tins directly on to paper. Using my hands in stead of brushes.
Painting by painting, and jet another one dropping on the gras around me.
Each one looking as if ..as if they were created by different people at different times,
I was working constantly for some hours, finally there was, in from of me on the floor, a couple of weeks worth of work that I we've made in one morning ..
Three hours has passed when everything was ready and I was mightily surprised looking at the floor covered with paintings,
my hands were tired from working like crazy and I was exhausted from the speed and the sun..
But So grateful.. grateful for a moment of co-cretion with the creator who loves artists.
I think this morning I just went directly to the source of creation, said something that opened the door like in the fairy tale..
“you can paint what you can't see”